Thursday, June 27


I haven’t been posting much lately. Too many creepers, bots and web crawlers out there. This is our world now. Suck it up, Buttercup.
I have continued to have lots of bronchial congestion for many weeks. I am so beyond tired of it. Also I seem to be more achey lately and my hips start feeling weird and burn when I walk very much. So fun. At least I’m still alive.
And SO very blessed. I never forget that.

Monday, June 10

Begin again

Monday morning and I’m starting over for the new week. I have several things on the schedule this week and new goals to work on. The yard is looking good and most of my plants are doing well. We had some new bushes planted in back and some new bedding edges cut out and and mulched over to revamp the planting space by the patio. I’m liking it.

The last few weeks Mike and I have been coughing a lot from whatever we caught on the plane home from Tampa on May 11. It’s not completely gone from either of us but it’s better and less frequent. Whatever it was it was bad. For our trip to Seattle and the Alaskan cruise in August I’m going to wear a mask a lot of the time and use hand sanitizer all the time and keep it handy in my pocket. Being sick for weeks just isn’t worth it. I’m finally starting to take longer walks again. I’ve had bad shortness of breath for weeks. Bad deal. I’m going to a water aerobics class at 8 this morning, the first in several weeks.

Sunday, May 19

Morning bird song

It’s already a bit too warm this morning. I have the back patio screen door open and am listening to the gorgeous sounds of morning birds. I’m still struggling with my cold or whatever it is but now Mike is sick too. At least I can tell I’m at the end of mine and I feel like doing things again. Mike is still in bed sleeping. When we got off the cruise ship last Saturday morning and got on the bus to take us to the airport there was a man a couple rows ahead of us coughing his guts out ( a shocking, scary, awful cough). At the airport in our boarding area I could hear him too and he ended up several rows ahead of us on the plane. I’ve been suspecting I caught whatever he had because a few days after that I got sick and now it seems Mike has it too. It’s always something.

I ordered two planter boxes with trellises from Amazon. I put them together Friday. They’re not as big or sturdy as I’d hoped but I’ve got them now. I have to get some more potting soil and vining flower plants to put in them. I also finally got around to planting all my seedlings I started weeks ago and planted all my flower seeds. Now it’s a matter of keeping them watered. I bought a small lilac bush and planted it in the side yard near the hydrangea I planted last year. The mock orange bush I planted in front a few years ago looks like it’s finally starting to take off and get big and bud up to bloom this year. I’m just dreading the pending onslaught of the cicadas. I hate bugs anyway. Ick!