Showing posts with label #health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #health. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15

Train in the distance

I’m slightly chilly even with the throw blanket on me and the dog on my lap. It’s 5:06am and I woke up on the couch a little while ago feeling congested and struggling to breathe. I had a few days of feeling better once the Covid test was negative but then I felt like I was starting to come down with a cold a few days ago. After I woke up I went to the bathroom, took my levothyroxin and used my nebulizer to help my breathing. Now I’m awake. This same thing happened yesterday too. It’s silent in the house and I can hear a train in the distance and it’s sounds moving on the track. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard that before from this house. 

Tuesday some of the neighbors are having a “ say farewell” lunch to me and Mike at a nearby restaurant because we are stepping down as neighborhood representatives. The recognition would have taken place at the big neighborhood picnic on August 31 but Mike and I had Covid. We had to ask the 2 incoming reps and others to step up and run the picnic. So now they want a make up farewell event. I don’t want to go but we are going to be polite. I had been a rep for four years and Mike for one, although he’s been helping with neighborhood stuff for four years too. I just got burned out and sick of it. Some of the neighbors are rude and act entitled. That offends me a lot and I just got sick of dealing with it. I’ll go to the farewell lunch to be nice.

Thursday I have a colonoscopy scheduled so Wednesday is prep day. I have to read the instructions carefully so I don’t screw anything up and have to repeat it. Yuck. I’ll be really glad when that’s over!

I have a lot of yard work to do. There are tons of dead flowers that are done blooming for the season and overgrew their places so I have a bunch of stuff to rip out. Too many perennials have spread and are choking out my roses. I’m going to try to get it done today and tomorrow if I’m up to it. I also have a lot of housework and grocery shopping to do so I’d but get going pretty early today. Mike is still sleeping. 

Monday, July 15

7:18 a.m. Monday

Good morning universe. I’m having coffee with my little dog Bitzi curled up on my lap. I have a little bit of a cold or something. It rained and stormed hard again last night. I slept pretty well and it was the second night of taking NyQuil so I could sleep and not be up coughing and draining all night. 

I need to go out and buy some more walkway stepping stones today.We bought some before we left for Gatlinburg and the landscapers placed them in front of the house below the living room window like I wanted. Now I need to add some more pathway  stones to make a path in to my flower beds in the front,  on the side and in back. It takes so long to get things just right. I think it will look very charming once I’m done. I love the “cottage garden” look. 

Mike has his physical with our family doctor in Bartlett this morning. We’ve been going to him for many years. I’m anxious to hear the results of his bloodwork. He hasn’t been able to access it online. I’m thinking his A1C is going to be bad. We shall see. He always insists on going with me to my doctor’s appointments. I’ll ask him when he gets up if he wants to go alone. Sometimes you want your privacy. 

I’m tidying up the house then taking Bitzi for a walk. 

Sunday, May 19

Morning bird song

It’s already a bit too warm this morning. I have the back patio screen door open and am listening to the gorgeous sounds of morning birds. I’m still struggling with my cold or whatever it is but now Mike is sick too. At least I can tell I’m at the end of mine and I feel like doing things again. Mike is still in bed sleeping. When we got off the cruise ship last Saturday morning and got on the bus to take us to the airport there was a man a couple rows ahead of us coughing his guts out ( a shocking, scary, awful cough). At the airport in our boarding area I could hear him too and he ended up several rows ahead of us on the plane. I’ve been suspecting I caught whatever he had because a few days after that I got sick and now it seems Mike has it too. It’s always something.

I ordered two planter boxes with trellises from Amazon. I put them together Friday. They’re not as big or sturdy as I’d hoped but I’ve got them now. I have to get some more potting soil and vining flower plants to put in them. I also finally got around to planting all my seedlings I started weeks ago and planted all my flower seeds. Now it’s a matter of keeping them watered. I bought a small lilac bush and planted it in the side yard near the hydrangea I planted last year. The mock orange bush I planted in front a few years ago looks like it’s finally starting to take off and get big and bud up to bloom this year. I’m just dreading the pending onslaught of the cicadas. I hate bugs anyway. Ick!